Color of the day: Black
Incense of the day: Honeysuckle Try this air and fire spell to boost both your mental and physical energy. Place a few drops of rosemary oil in a diffuser or on a cotton ball, and inhale, facing east, while saying: Winds of intellect, attend me. My mind is strong and alert. I retain all I learn. I remember all that is important. Winds of intellect, attend me! Repeat whenever needed, preferably outside on a windy day. Now place black pepper oil or crushed peppercorns in a diffuser or on a cotton ball and (carefully!) inhale. Facing south, say: Fire of strength, attend me. I am physically fit and strong. I perform my work energetically. I am free of fatigue and lassitude. Fire of strength, attend me! Repeat whenever necessary, preferably in front of a bonfire or blazing fireplace. |
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