Since there's a worldwide bee shortage, it seems like a good idea to work magic for their benefit, both to protect them and to bring healing. A simple way to lend them energy, both magically and physically, is to charm a plant so that the bees will have a place to gather pollen and will also absorb the magic. Good plants to use include sage, thyme, rosemary, or lavender.
To charm the plant, hold it and visualize emerald-green energy for nature and healing streaming from your hands into the plant. To direct the energy toward the benefit of the bees, seal your intent with this spell: "Plant of power, gift from earth, Nourish their bodies; invigor, renew; Heal to all, dis-ease reverse, Strengthen the bees that come to you." Place the plant in either a garden or an outdoor flowerpot to attract the bees. |
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