The spring is an excellent time to start communicating with the Fae. All it takes is a little awareness and consistency on your part. This spell is best done outdoors, but if that isn't possible, place this working near a window. Once you create the altar, the work has just begun.
When the altar is in place, you will need to maintain that spot, spend time there, and make sure to give offerings. This is the real work of having a relationship with the Fae: paying attention to them.
Spend the day collecting items that feel connected to the Fae realms. Ideally these will be items that are natural, such as charms, trinkets, acorns, seeds, plants, or anything else that makes you think of the Fae. Try to avoid anything plastic. Make sure you have something that can be used as a receptacle for offerings.
Go to the area where you will be creating your Fae altar. Clear and/or clean the space with the intention that this will be where you commune with the Fae. Speak out loud your desires. Speak from your heart, telling the Fae that you want to be in relationship with them.
Begin to place the items in a way that is pleasing to you. For the last step of this spell, place an offering or libation out for the Fae. Say out loud that this offering is for them and you will be giving them offerings regularly.
Allow yourself some time to simply sit in this area. Notice anything interesting or odd that may happen while you are there. Notice any feelings that arise. When you feel complete, go about your day.