The Flower Moon is waning, and we're counting down to the end of the astrological sign of Taurus.
Chances are excellent that no matter where you live, the weather this time of year is just about as perfect as it can be. Not too hot and not too cold, probably sunshine with a nice breeze. Consult almanacs and other research materials to discover your plant hardiness zone, if you do not already know it. Contribute to your compost heap with either spring or fall clean-up materials from the yards and gardens. If you have planted, a waning moon is the time to thin the plants. If the harvest is over, it is time to turn the soil. If you want to retard or control growth, or encourage hardy rooting, perform the necessary activities during the waning moon. Say: "Demeter and Persephone, guide me as the moon shines less each day. Help me tend the parcel of earth in my care." |
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