Color of the day: White
Incense of the day: Geranium Every culture acknowledges a new year, and a celestial event is most often used to mark the transition. One old lunar calendar still in active use is the Islamic calendar. Unlike other cultures who make adjustments every few years to keep their lunar calendars falling within specific seasons, the Islamic calendar does not. Therefore their new year begins at sundown on February 10. But in 2006, it falls about 29 days earlier. Any new phase of the Moon is an excellent time to think about what your religion means to you and, if you feel so moved, to rededicate yourself to the deities you worship. Others use this time in between to make magic. As the last ray of the Sun settles behind the western horizon today, take note that the sky appears empty except for a few bright stars. There is no visible Moon, and the Sun has passed from view. You now have a universal canvas on which to paint a mental picture of your most precious desire. Lie down on the ground or an outdoor chair, just be comfortable. As more stars appear in the darkening sky, welcome them into your painting. Try to incorporate as many as possible into this huge image of your future. Remember that all those stars are suns, some much larger and hotter than our own, and the more of them you add to your canvas, the more energy you have to feed your goal. Chant: Twinkle, twinkle, little star, I watch you flicker from afar; Yet millions of miles cannot impede, This picture of my will and need. A universe awash in tiny lights, Many others hide from sight; The power to change is in your fire, As I will, so comes my desire. |
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