We're in the depth of winter, with its long, dark nights and short days, and it's a perfect time to reflect on the light and dark within our own lives—the gratitudes and the disappointments. You'll need a black candle, a white candle, a saucer, matches, a fireproof bowl, a pen, and two pieces of paper. Write your disappointments on one piece of paper. What has not materialized as you had hoped? Who or what have you lost? What has caused you pain? On the second piece, write your ...
National Color Day celebrates the wonderful diversity of color in the world. Whether by playing with paints, taking a hike in nature, or making a playlist of "colorful" songs, there are a lot of fun ways to appreciate the hues in your life. One of my favorite things to do is watch the leaves changing color where I live. No matter where I have resided, there's always a shift. In some places the change is subtle, and other places it's a riot of color, like in New England. I hand-collect the ...
Yes, it happens: jealousy and witch wars arise in our Neo-Pagan communities. When people just can't get along anymore, it's time to move on, to find a new organization or coven where it's peaceful. In Shakespeare's As You Like It, the exiled Duke Senior finds peace in the Forest of Arden. Go outside, find a shady spot, wrap yourself in protective energy, and declare your intention to find your own Forest of Arden where you can restore friendships and spirituality to your life. Contemplate this ...
Many flowers that enjoy full sunlight also resist heat and drought. They are often associated with the sun and the element of fire. Examples include sunflowers, sunchokes, black-eyed Susans, daisies, Indian blankets, marigolds, Mexican hats, yellow coneflowers, and zinnias. Sunflowers and some others are heliotropic, leaning toward the sun. You can pick these flowers and preserve them to save the sun's energy for the darker parts of the year. Small, soft flowers like marigolds may be pressed ...