Tonight is a perfect time to work with the goddess Hecate for protection and wisdom. This Triple Goddess has many forms and faces. She can appear as the Maiden in a shining headdress. As a mature woman, the Mother, or a wise silver-haired grandmother, the Crone. Hecate is a powerhouse and is fiercely protective of magic users. Light three candles: one white, one red, and one black. If you own a dog, call it to your side for this invocation, as dogs are sacred to her.
The Mourning Moon of November rises softly this night, Illuminating the night skies with a magical light. Hecate hear my call and send me your blessings, How you may appear, will keep me guessing. With the dramatic howl of dogs, your presence is known, I will honor your magic no matter where I roam. Grant me the gifts of your protection and wisdom, For I will hold these dear, within my Craft lessons. By Hecate's power of earth, sky, and sea, I accept your wise teachings, So mote it be. Allow the candles to burn out in a safe place. Pay attention and see what messages Hecate sends to you in the next month. |
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