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1. While sexual activities are most commonly practiced for pleasure and procreation, there has been a secret knowledge held among various groups that that the energy raised during sexual activity, as well as the mental state that occurs during prolonged sexual activity, can be united to create remarkable changes in our spiritual selves and physical environment. The techniques to do this are commonly called Sex Magick.
Many thousands of years ago, the philosophy and techniques that would become ...
2. Sanskrit for "System" or "Doctrine." Tantra is a very sophisticated and extensive system of ancient Indian Occultism, possibly developed from the traditional Dravidian inhabitants, and from which many Eastern and Western practices are derived. It may also have been developed by the Aryan Warrior Class in reaction to Brahmanical control. It is also proclaimed to be the "revealed teaching" for this (the Kali Yuga) Age. Three distinct types of Tantra exist: Hindu Tantra, Buddhist Tantra, and Jain ...