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1. Number Symbolism in Tarot: One is the first number, so it symbolizes leadership. It’s an obvious symbol of unity and singularity. The number one can even be thought of as a thesis—an original statement of thought, belief, and perception, still unchallenged by other competing ideas. One also represents the source of all existence. In the Tarot, every numbered card in a Minor Arcana suit is said to originate within the ace of that suit. As such, the number one symbolized fertility, and the ...
2. One is considered a lucky number as it is indivisible, and when multiplied by itself remains the same. One is associated with God, the intellect, purity, and the sun. Children born on the 1st of the month are believed to be enterprising, independent and lucky.
3. On the Kabalistic Tree of Life, one is the number of Kether, or Crown, the topmost sephirah. This is the first manifestation of the Divine that can be known. Above it is the lowest of the Three Veils of Negative Existence, the unknowable or transcendent Divine.
Uniting opposites and bringing them to unity, one, plays an important role in several forms of spirituality and magick. For example, basic sex magick can be described as 1+1=1 (one positive form of sexual energy, typically a "male" ...