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Subject: Tarot

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The African American Tarot is a Tarot deck focusing on the common origin of African American culture, history, art, and mythology.
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Alchemy 1977 is famous around the globe for their stunning gothic artwork and steampunk accessories. Fans of this iconic brand will recognize and appreciate the powerful and seductive images in this extraordinary tarot deck. This captivating mix of art from world famous gothic illustrators ranges from traditional horror to lush supernatural scenes to medieval fantasy.

Tarot deck by publisher Fournier.

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Secrets or mysteries. Arcana is the plural form of arcanum, although its usage may be singular or plural. A standard Tarot deck features two sections, the Major Arcana (usually 22 cards with images on them) and the Minor Arcana (usually 56 cards with 16 being “face” cards similar to a pack of playing cards and the remainder being either number or “pip” cards or fully illustrated).
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Oracle deck that also provides a way for people to use Bach Flower Essences for well-being or to aid in learning about the Essences. 

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Founder of the Builders of the Adytum (BOTA), an esoteric teaching center in Los Angeles also known for mail order teachings. He was a former member of the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn, and the author of The Tarot, A Key to the Wisdom of the Ages, and a book of Tarot card meditations, The Book of Tokens.  Both books were recommended by author Louis T. Culling.

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1.  A ten-card Tarot spread developed in the 1890s by a member or associate of the Golden Dawn. Taught to first-level initiates of the Golden Dawn and widely used after publication by Arthur E. Waite in his Pictorial Key to the Tarot. Card 1. The main question on your mind Card 2. A challenge within the situation Card 3. The foundation of the question, subconscious issues Card 4. The recent past Card 5. Conscious goals, what you think you can achieve Card 6. The near future Card 6. What ...
2.  A cross (sometimes with equal arms, sometimes where the horizontal bar is shorter and above the center of the vertical bar) with a circle around the intersection of the horizontal and vertical bars.
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A divination deck that combines Celticastrology with the Ogham (or Celtic alphabet) and tree symbolism alongside Celtic festivals.
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1.  One of the trumps of the Major Arcana of the tarot. Numbered VII. In the system of Eliphas Levi, it corresponds to the Hebrew letter Zayin. In the system of the Golden Dawn, The Chariot corresponds to the Hebrew letter Cheth and the astrological sign of Cancer.
2.  The 7th Major Arcanum of the Tarot Image: a man on a chariot with two horses Hebrew letter: Cheth Divinatory meaning: victory, success 18th path on the Tree of Life connecting Geburah to Binah. Qabalistic Description. The 7th Key, the 18th Path. Child of the Powers of the Waters, Lord of the Triumph of Light. This Path connects Binah (Understanding) to Geburah (Severity), the descent of Spirit into the lower manifest universe. The Chariot, having conquered the lower planes, is the first path ...
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The young charioteer is in command of his physical and emotional drives, symbolized by the two opposing forces that pull the Chariot.
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One of the four suits of the Tarot, corresponding to the modern Hearts and to the clergy of medieval society. In the system of the Golden Dawn, corresponds to the element of Water and the first Heh of Tetragrammaton.
See Also:  CoupesChalices
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Tarot by Luca Russo with a dark or goth aesthetic. View the Dark Angels Tarot.
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1.  One of the trumps of the Major Arcana of the tarot. Numbered XIII. In the system of Eliphas Levi, it corresponds to the Hebrew letter Mem and the heaven of Jupiter and Mars. In the system of the Golden Dawn, Death corresponds to the Hebrew letter Nun and the astrological sign of Scorpio.

2.  “Death is ‘a touch of the Soul which is too strong for the body;’ it is a call from divinity that brooks no denial; it is the voice of the inner Spiritual Identity saying: Return to your centre, or source, for awhile and reflect upon the experiences undergone and the lessons learnt until the time comes when you return to earth for another cycle of learning, or progress and enrichment.”

See Also:  La Mort
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Spreads that imply fixed outcomes that cannot be changed. Also spreads that are more definite and predictive than others.
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One of the trumps of the Major Arcana of the tarot. Numbered XV. In the system of Eliphas Levi, it corresponds to the Hebrew letter Samekh and the heaven of Mercury. In the system of the Golden Dawn, The Devil corresponds to the Hebrew letter Ayin and the astrological sign of Capricorn.
See Also:  Le Diable
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Elemental characteristics of tarot cards (i.e., associations with water, fire, earth, or air) that interact with one another to weaken or strengthen particular cards in a spread.
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The Dragons Tarot is a Tarot deck designed by Manfredi Toraldo with art by Severino Baraldi.
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Surreal Tarot by Marco Nizzoli with booklet by Barbara Moore.
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1.  Number Symbolism in Tarot: Eights represent infinity, because it resembles the lemniscate, the sideways symbol of infinity. There are also eight points on the wheel of the year. To Christians, eight is a symbol of baptism and spiritual rebirth; many baptisteries and baptismal fonts have eight sides. Eight also represents the eternal spiral of regeneration.

2.  On the Kabalistic Tree of Life, eight is the number of Hod, the lowest sephirah on the left-hand pillar, the third from the top of that pillar. Hod, and therefore eight, is considered by some to be the most "unbalanced" of the Sephiroth. However, being unbalanced can be a good thing as you eventually have to move. Many consider that to be far better than being stuck in an undesired place in your life.

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Tarot deck by Marco Turini designed to explore the universe through the four elements.

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1.  Number Symbolism in Tarot: Numerologists consider eleven a master number. It amplifies the power of a single “one.”
2.  Although the famous and perhaps first Kabalistic book, The Sefer Yetzirah, clearly says there are ten, not nine, not eleven Sephiroth, many modern Kabalists consider Da'ath to be the eleventh Sephirah. Even so, many consider Da'ath to be a "pseudo-Sephirah," "the invisible Sephirah," or even "the Sephirah that is not a Sephirah." Some picture this in line with the second and their Sephiroth, however it is more traditionally just below it, right on the Veil of the Abyss that demarcates the line ...
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1.  One of the trumps of the Major Arcana of the tarot. Numbered IV. In the system of Eliphas Levi, it corresponds to the Hebrew letter Daleth. In the system of the Golden Dawn, The Emperor corresponds to the Hebrew letter Heh and the astrological sign of Aries. According to Aleister Crowley, The Emperor corresponds to the Hebrew letter Tzaddi.
2.  The Emperor card is the fourth Major Arcanum of the Tarot. Here are some of its characteristics. Image: Crowned and enthroned man Hebrew letter: Heh Divinatory meaning: power, authority, fatherhood Location on the Tree of Life: 15th path connecting Tiphareth to Chokmah. Qabalistic Description. The 4th Key, the 15th Path. The Son of Morning, Chief among the Mighty. This Path connects Chokmah (the Father) to Tiphareth (the Son); The Emperor takes the manifesting energy from the Empress ...
See Also:  L'Empereur
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The archetypical father, the authoritative Emperor brings order out of chaos so that civilization can prosper.
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1.  One of the trumps of the Major Arcana of the tarot. Numbered III. In the system of Eliphas Levi, it corresponds to the Hebrew letter Gimel. In the system of the Golden Dawn, The Empress corresponds to the Hebrew letter Daleth and the planet Venus.
2.  The Empress is the third Major Arcanum of the Tarot. Here are some of its characteristics. Image: Crowned and enthroned woman, usually pregnant Hebrew letter: Daleth Divinatory meaning: fertility, productivity, fulfillment, motherhood Path on the Tree of Life: 14th path connecting Binah to Chokmah. Qabalistic Description. The 3rd Key, the 14th Path. Daughter of the Mighty Ones, the Empress is the Universal Mother. The Path of the Empress connects Chokmah to Binah, Father to Mother. ...
See Also:  L'Imperatrice
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The Archetypical mother, The Empress nurtures and protects all of nature, including humankind.
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A Tarot deck in which each card in the Major Arcana corresponds to one of the 30 regions of the Magickal Universe (known as the Aethyrs). Each card of the Minor Arcana represents a deity or group of deities that inhabit regions known as the Four Great Watchtowers.
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A beautiful Tarot deck by Victoria Francés that is in the Marseilles style (an unillustrated Minor Arcana) and with a gothic aesthetic.

View the Favole Tarot.

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A deck that takes the myth of fire in all its forms and interprets it through Tarot-related scenes.

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1.  Number Symbolism in Tarot: Fives represent a halfway point in the profession from one to ten. In the Tarot, the five cards often symbolize a crisis: they’re the midway point, when events can either take a turn for the better or go horribly awry. Fives also symbolize the five senses, the five points on a star, and the five vowels in the English alphabet. Some metaphysicians suggest that five is important because it symbolizes a fifth element—Spirit.
2.  On the Kabalistic Tree of Life, five is the number of Geburah, the central sephirah on the left-hand pillar, the fifth in order from the top of the Tree. Geburah means "severity," and indeed, some people relate the number five to the concept of karma. To some people this means punishment for past actions. However true karma doesn't punish or reward, it educates. Sometimes that education seems severe. It's symbol is the pentagram. Five also represents humans in their most physical form: 1) ...
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1.  One of the trumps of the Major Arcana of the tarot. Numbered 0. In the system of Eliphas Levi, it is placed between XX Judgment and XXI The World and corresponds to the Hebrew letter Shin. In the system of the Golden Dawn, The Fool corresponds to the Hebrew letter Aleph and the element of Air.
2.  The instigating character in the English mummer’s play tradition.
3.  Number: Generally numbered "O" or "22" of the Major Arcana Image: Variously a Court Jester and a dog about to step off a cliff, naked child with a dog, a pilgrim in a strange land or an enthused rider with his dog jumping his horse across the chasm between the worlds Hebrew letter: Aleph Divinatory meaning: foolhardy courage, determination, act of faith Path on Tree of Life: 11th path connecting Chokmah to Kether. Sometimes called "The Foolish Man," the Fool is perhaps the most ...
See Also:  Le Mat
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Technically, The Fool is the Major Arcana’s only unnumbered card. A wanderer, most Tarot experts agree that The Fool represents each of us—naïve travelers through life, off on a grand adventure, out to learn whatever experience and the Tarot can teach us.
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The procession of the Fool through the cards of the Major Arcana is often said to be an allegorical description of our journey through life, starting with the Fool and culminating with The World card.
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1.  One of the trumps of the Major Arcana of the tarot. Numbered XII. In the system of Eliphas Levi, it corresponds to the Hebrew letter Lamed. In the system of the Golden Dawn, The Hanged Man corresponds to the Hebrew letter Mem and the element of Water.
2.  Sometimes called the Drowned Man, it is the 12th Major Arcanum of the Tarot. Image: Man hanging by one foot with the other crossed behind Hebrew letter: Mem Divinatory meaning: suspension, delay, reversal, personal sacrifice Path on the Tree of Life: The 23rd path connecting Hod to Geburah. Qabalistic Description. The 12th Key, the 23rd Path. The Spirit of the Mighty Waters. This Path runs between Hod and Geburah, the execution of judgment. It is also the self-sacrifice that leads to ...
See Also:  Le Pendu
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He sacrifices his comfort and passions for a time, like the Norse god Odin, knowing that better things will occur as a result.
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1.  One of the trumps of the Major Arcana of the tarot. Numbered IX. In the system of Eliphas Levi, it corresponds to the Hebrew letter Teth. In the system of the Golden Dawn, The Hermit corresponds to the Hebrew letter Yod and the astrological sign of Virgo.
2.  Sometimes called the Prophet or Prudence, the Hermit is the 9th Major Arcanum of the Tarot. Image: an old man in a hooded robe with staff and lantern, accompanied by a serpent and standing in a circle Hebrew letter: Yod Divinatory meaning: Wisdom, Secret Knowledge, Solitary Practice Path on the Tree of Life: The 20th path connecting Tiphareth to Chesed. Qabalistic Description. The 9th Key, the 20th Path. The Magus of the Voices of Light, the Prophet of the Gods. This Path leads from ...
See Also:  L'Ermite
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Far removed from the hustle and bustle of everyday life, The Hermit reflects on spiritual concerns. He carries his light of wisdom as a beacon for others to follow.
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1.  One of the trumps of the Major Arcana of the tarot. Numbered V. In the system of Eliphas Levi, it corresponds to the Hebrew letter Heh. In the system of the Golden Dawn, The Hierophant corresponds to the Hebrew letter Vav and the astrological sign of Taurus.
2.  An officer of the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn. When the temple is set up for Neophytes, the Hierophant (Greek for “initiating priest”) sits in the East, represents the dawning Light, and is the main ritual officer. When a woman holds this office she is called the Hierophatria or Hieropantissa.
3.  The 5th Major Arcanum of the Tarot Image: Pope or other major religious leader Hebrew letter: Vav Divinatory meaning: Authority, Wisdom, Spirituality Path on the Tree of Life: 16th path connecting Yesod to Tiphareth. Qabalistic Description. The 5th Key, the 16th Path. Magus of the Eternal Gods. This Path connects Chesed (Mercy) with Chokmah (Wisdom). The primary function of the Hierophant is to tie together the Great Above to that which is Below. The Hierophant is also the Great Teacher of ...
See Also:  PopeHigh PriestJupiter
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A symbol of traditional authority and influence, the hierophant is a spiritual link to humanity’s higher powers.
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1.  One of the trumps of the Major Arcana of the tarot. Numbered II. In the system of Eliphas Levi, it corresponds to the Hebrew letter Beth. In the system of the Golden Dawn, The High Priestess corresponds to the Hebrew letter Gimel and the Moon.

2.  A female Witch who, often with a High Priest, is the leader of a coven. In traditional covens, to achieve this level requires extensive training and experience. In covens that have a three-degree system, a High Priestess will have been initiated into the third degree. It is often abbreviated as HPS.

3.  The 2nd Major Arcanum of the Tarot Image: a high priestess seated in front of a veil, crescent moon at her feet with the horns upward Hebrew letter: Gimel Divinatory meaning: Intuition, Revealed Wisdom, Ebb and Flow Path on the Tree of Life: 13th path connecting Tiphareth to Kether. Qabalistic Description. The 2nd Key, the 13th Path. The Priestess of the Silver Star. The Path of the High Priestess connects Kether to Tiphareth along the Middle Pillar, and functions as the purest ...
See Also:  JunoLa PapessePapess
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Secretive and guarded, The High Priestess knows the secrets life holds, but shares them only with the wise.
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A stunning oracle deck, based on the Chinese I Ching, by famed artist Luis Royo.

View the I Ching: Dead Moon Deck.

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1.  One of the trumps of the Major Arcana of the tarot. Numbered XX. In the system of Eliphas Levi, it corresponds to the Hebrew letter Resh. In the system of the Golden Dawn, Judgment corresponds to the Hebrew letter Shin and the element of Fire.
2.  Also spelled "Judgement" and sometimes called "The Last Judgment, it's the 20th Major Arcanum of the Tarot. Image: resurrection day with an angel blowing a trumpet as the dead arise from their graves Hebrew letter: Shin Divinatory meaning: renewal, rebirth, the final outcome Path on the Tree of Life: The 31st path connecting Malkuth to Hod. Qabalistic Description. The 20th Key, the 31 Path. The Spirit of Primal Fire. This path connects Hod and Malkuth, and is the first path undertaken for ...
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All is revealed, as the Judgment card reminds us to forgive and be forgiven.
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1.  One of the trumps of the Major Arcana of the tarot. Numbered VIII or XI. In the system of Eliphas Levi, it corresponds to the Hebrew letter Cheth. In the system of the Golden Dawn, Justice corresponds to the Hebrew letter Lamed and the astrological sign of Libra.
2.  This is the 8th Major Arcanum of the Tarot. Image: a woman with a sword in one hand and the scales of justice in the other Hebrew letter: Lamed Divinatory meaning: legal matters, balance Path on the Tree of Life: the 22nd path connecting Tiphareth to Geburah. Qabalistic Description.  The 8th Key, the 19th Path. Daughter of the Flaming Sword, Leader of the Lion. This Path connects Geburah to Chesed, Mercy tempering Severity. Just below the Abyss, it is a major path connecting the two ...
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When blindfolded, the goddess of Justice is blind to superficial concerns. With her eyes unveiled, Justice sees all. In most renditions of the card, she holds a two-edged sword, a reminder tha fairness cuts both ways.
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In the standard Tarot deck, the Kings are one of the four “Court” cards found in each suit of the Minor Arcana. In a reading it indicates a swift but possibly unenduring force of the suit that is associated with the meaning of the suit. Thus, the King of Wands, related to the element of Fire, indicates a decisive and passionate approach while the King of Cups, associated with the element of Water, is associated with the fine arts or legal profession. It may or may not be related to a person.
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A tarot deck designed to illustrate the principles of the Law of Attraction and provide a way for people to identify and achieve the life of their dreams. 

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1.  One of the trumps of the Major Arcana of the tarot. Numbered VI. In the system of Eliphas Levi, it corresponds to the Hebrew letter Vav. In the system of the Golden Dawn, The Lovers corresponds to the Hebrew letter Zayin and the astrological sign of Gemini.
2.  The 6th Major Arcanum of the Tarot Image: a young couple (with a serpent present) blessed by an angel, or the chained maiden rescued by the hero Hebrew letter: Zayin Divinatory meaning: release, inspiration, new start Path on the Tree of Life: the 17th path connecting Tiphareth to Binah. Qabalistic Description. The 6th Key, the 17th Path. Children of the Voice Divine, Oracles of he Mighty Gods. This Path connects Tiphareth (the Solar Center of the Higher Self) to Binah (the Great Sea ...
See Also:  L'Amoureux
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While an appearance by this couple could encourage any hopeless romantic, The Lovers also signify a choice to be made between two equally strong desires.
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Gothic emo tarot designed by a woman in New Orleans and drawn by Patrizio Evangelisti.

Click here to view the Ludy Lescot Tarot.

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One of the trumps of the Major Arcana of the tarot. Numbered I. In the system of Eliphas Levi, it corresponds to the Hebrew letter Aleph. In the system of the Golden Dawn, The Magician corresponds to the Hebrew letter Beth and the planet Mercury.
See Also:  JugglerLe BateleurMagus
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The Magician represents an individual in control of life’s tools and techniques, like those on the table in front of him. Typically, they include a cup, a sword, a pentacle and a wand—the four symbols of the Minor Arcana.
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1.  The twenty-two trump cards of the Tarot; those cards not included in any of the four suits. The cards numbered 0 (the Fool) through 21 (the World).
2.  The 22 picture cards of the Tarot that are considered to be of vital importance by occultists. They relate to the Paths on the Tree of Life and are used in Kabalistic Pathworking.
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A Tarot using Michelangelo's works of art while following the Rider-Waite-Smith model.

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1.  A type of early Italian Tarot that has 97 cards including the Virtues and the Astrological Signs.

2.  A Tarot deck from Lo Scarabeo that provides readers with a copy of the historical Minchiate Tarot.

Click here to view the Minchiate Tarot from Lo Scarabeo.

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1.  The Ace through King cards of the four suits of the Tarot (i.e., court cards plus pips).
2.  The 56 cards of the Tarot comparing to the modern-day deck of playing cards, but having an extra court card for each of the four suits. Traditionally numerical rather than pictorial, they relate to the Sephiroth on the Tree of Life.
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One of the trumps of the Major Arcana of the tarot. Numbered XVIII. In the system of Eliphas Levi, it corresponds to the Hebrew letter Tzaddi. In the system of the Golden Dawn, The Moon corresponds to the Hebrew letter Qoph and the astrological sign of Pisces.
See Also:  La Lune
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Deeply rooted in the unconscious, the dreamlike moon symbolizes secrets and mysteries that may not be understood—or even recognized.
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1.  Number Symbolism in Tarot: Because there are nine months of pregnancy, nine symbolizes selfishness, compassion, universality, humanitarianism, and spirituality.

2.  On the Kabalistic Tree of Life, nine is the number of Yesod, the third sephirah from the top on the central pillar. Astrologically, it is associated with the Moon. The Moon is the companion of Earth, so nine also represents the astral plane, the companion of the physical plane. It is the astral that is the underpinning of the physical senses.

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1.  Number Symbolism in Tarot: One is the first number, so it symbolizes leadership. It’s an obvious symbol of unity and singularity. The number one can even be thought of as a thesis—an original statement of thought, belief, and perception, still unchallenged by other competing ideas. One also represents the source of all existence. In the Tarot, every numbered card in a Minor Arcana suit is said to originate within the ace of that suit. As such, the number one symbolized fertility, and the ...
2.  One is considered a lucky number as it is indivisible, and when multiplied by itself remains the same. One is associated with God, the intellect, purity, and the sun. Children born on the 1st of the month are believed to be enterprising, independent and lucky.
3.  On the Kabalistic Tree of Life, one is the number of Kether, or Crown, the topmost sephirah. This is the first manifestation of the Divine that can be known. Above it is the lowest of the Three Veils of Negative Existence, the unknowable or transcendent Divine. Uniting opposites and bringing them to unity, one, plays an important role in several forms of spirituality and magick. For example, basic sex magick can be described as 1+1=1 (one positive form of sexual energy, typically a "male" ...
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In the standard Tarot deck, the Pages are one of the four “Court” cards found in each suit of the Minor Arcana. Although A.E. Waite, one of the designers of what has become the standard model, used a deck which was gender balanced in the Court cards (Kings, Queens, Princes, Princesses), Waite changed this to a more masculine orientation (Kings, Queens, Knight, Page). In a reading it indicates a young and growing force of the suit that is associated with the meaning of the suit. Thus, the ...
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(1878-1951) British artist best known as the woman who created that Rider-Waite-Smith Tarot. "Pixie" Smith was a member of the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn. It was that that she probably met A.E. Waite, who eventually commissioned her to draw a Tarot deck. It is likely that he gave her written instructions, and perhaps the meanings of the cards. However he was not an artist and was her original designs, drawn in pen and ink and colored with water color, created in a brief six month period, ...
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One of the four suits of the Tarot, corresponding to the modern Diamonds and to the merchant class of medieval society. In the system of the Golden Dawn, corresponds to the element of Earth and the final Heh of Tetragrammaton.
See Also:  CoinsDiscsDisksDeniersMoney
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The Ace through Ten cards of the four suits of the tarot.
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Photorealistic and computer-generated art in a deck blending traditional Tarot with modern science.

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In the standard Tarot deck, the Queens are one of the four “Court” cards found in each suit of the Minor Arcana. In a reading it indicates a steady, enduring force of the suit that is associated with the meaning of the suit. Thus, the Queen of Wands, related to the element of Fire, indicates your basic driving instinct while the Queen of Cups, associated with the element of Water, is associated with the sources of emotions. It may or may not be related to a person.
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A person who consults a tarot reader or astrologer.
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1.  A tarot reading generally integrates three things: the question asked, the meaning of the spread positions, and the meaning of the cards occupying the positions.

2.  The process wherein a psychic, medium, or reader gives information to a person.

3.  The information given to a person by a psychic, medium, or reader.

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An upside-down tarot card, often read differently than a right-side-up card.
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Name for a popular Tarot deck. Superceded by the more accurate title, Rider-Waite-Smith. See Rider-Waite-Smith.
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Name for a popular deck of Tarot cards. It was designed by A. E. Waite, drawn by Pamela Colman Smith, and originally published (in 1909) by Rider. It was based on the Tarot of the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn as well as some earlier decks, but is unique in that the Minor Arcana cards, for the first time, were given full symbolic imagery. This fully graphic design, combined with a book by Waite (in 1910) specifically for this deck (as opposed to Tarot decks in general) combined to make this ...
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A powerful, dark Tarot deck by Luis Royo, one of the most popular fantasy artists of our time. Loosely based on the Rider-Waite-Smith tradition, Royo’s sensual and empowering deck urges you to confront your darkest fears, embrace your primal passions, and unleash the beast within.

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1.  Number Symbolism in Tarot: Seven is a mystical, magical number. Classically, there were seven days of creation. There are seven gifts of the Holy Spirit: wisdom, understanding, counsel, fortitude, knowledge, piety, and fear. There are seven deadly sins: envy, sloth, gluttony, wrath, pride, lust, and greed. There are seven virtues: faith, hope, charity, fortitude, justice, temperance, and prudence. (You can see most of them in the [Tarot’s] Major Arcana.) Alchemists had seven metals: gold, ...
2.  On the Kabalistic Tree of Life, seven is the number of Netzach, the lowest sephirah on the right-hand pillar, the third from the top of that pillar. It is the number of music, passion, and pride, < href="http://www.llewellyn.com/encyclopedia/term/astrology">astrologically associated with Venus. Some have associated this number with Lucifer (Venus, the Morning Star, is a form of Lucifer) and thus equate this with Satan. But Satan is not traditionally the same as Lucifer; this was a later ...
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A card that represents the querent in a tarot reading.
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1.  Number Symbolism in Tarot: Sixes historically symbolize the human being, because man was said to be created on the sixth day. Six also symbolizes the sixth sensth—psychic ability—as well as the six directions of space: left, right, forward, backward, up, and down.

2.  On the Kabalistic Tree of Life, six is the number of Tipheret, the second from the top sephirah on the middle pillar, the sixth in order from the top of the Tree. It is the heart or center of the Tree. Its symbol is the hexagram and it corresponds mystically to the Sun and to all resurrection deities.

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A standard method of laying out the cards in a tarot reading. See Celtic Cross.
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One of the trumps of the Major Arcana of the tarot. Numbered XVII. In the system of Eliphas Levi, it corresponds to the Hebrew letter Peh and the heaven of the soul. In the system of the Golden Dawn, The Star corresponds to the Hebrew letter Tzaddi and the astrological sign of Aquarius. According to Aleister Crowley, The Star corresponds to the Hebrew letter Heh.
See Also:  L'Etoile
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The card of faith and hope, The Star is a shining light in the darkness.
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One of the trumps of the Major Arcana of the tarot. Numbered XI or VIII. In the system of Eliphas Levi, it corresponds to the Hebrew letter Kaph. In the system of the Golden Dawn, Strength corresponds to the Hebrew letter Teth and the astrological sign of Leo.
See Also:  La ForceFortitude
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A woman gently holds the jaws of a powerful lion, patiently controlling a force that could otherwise eat her alive.
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The four suits of the Tarot are Wands, Cups, Swords, and Pentacles. The French terms are Batons, Coupes, Epees, and Deniers, respectively.
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One of the trumps of the Major Arcana of the tarot. Numbered XIX. In the system of Eliphas Levi, it corresponds to the Hebrew letter Qoph. In the system of the Golden Dawn, The Sun corresponds to the Hebrew letter Resh and the Sun.
See Also:  Le Soleil
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Nothing can hide in the bright light of day, and even the dourest individuals come out to celebrate.
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One of the four suits of the Tarot, corresponding to the modern Spades and to the warrior class or nobility of medieval society. In the system of the Golden Dawn, corresponds to the element of Air and the Vav of Tetragrammaton.
See Also:  Epees
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Originally a term created by psychologist Carl Jung meaning that the mind creates a relationship between two events when none exists. What the mind created to link the two unrelated events was considered psychologically interesting. For some researchers, magick is this same sort of acausal connecting principle because a ritual or magickal act seems to have no direct causal effect on the outcome of the ritual, and yet the desired outcome occurs after the magickal work. Some people use the term ...
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A word sometimes used as a title for a person who reads Tarot cards.

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A mystical set of cards having an uncertain origin. Although these cards, covered with images, are most commonly used for divination, they have much more spiritual purposes. The Tarot is composed of two main sections, the 22 picture cards of the Major Arcana and the 56 numbered cards of the Minor Arcana.
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A Tarot deck of the Marseille tradition featuring just the Major Arcana but in a large size.

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A deck designed to explore the archetypes of the Tarot through the eyes and experiences of cats and to include touches of magick.

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Unique Tarot by Giovanni Pelosini with art by Giuseppe Palumbo.

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Surreal deck that extends the concept of Tarot in new directions.

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One of the trumps of the Major Arcana of the tarot. Numbered XIV. In the system of Eliphas Levi, it corresponds to the Hebrew letter Nun and the heaven of the Sun. In the system of the Golden Dawn, Temperance corresponds to the Hebrew letter Samekh and the astrological sign of Sagittarius.
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With dexterity and grace, Temperance demonstrates how balance can serve as a bridge to wholeness.
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1.  Number Symbolism in Tarot: The number ten has primal, deep-seated significance for all of us. When babies are born, parents immediately do a quick count of fingers and toes. When we learn to count as children, we use our ten fingers as tools. Ten is the number of culmination, completion, and perfection. There are also ten spheres on the Kabalistic Tree of Life, and ten numbered cards in each suit of the [Tarot’s] Minor Arcana.

2.  On the Kabalistic Tree of Life, ten is the number of Malkuth, the lowest sephirah on the central pillar. Therefore, ten represents the material plane, the physical location of the four elements, and mundane consciousness. One, or Kether, is the cause, and ten is the effect. The numbers two through nine are the means. 

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A unique, Pagan-oriented Tarot book and deck that set can be used by itself or in tandem with a second deck to be issued in 2013.

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A Marseille-style Tarot (with an unillustrated Minor Arcana) filled with the dark mystery and symbolism of a Labyrinth by famed artist Luis Royo.

View the Labyrinth Tarot.

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A fascinating Tarot that views the deck through the lens of the history of princesses.

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Number Symbolism in Tarot: There are thirteen lunar months, or thirteen full moons, in every calendar year. Thirteen is sometimes thought to be an unlucky number, because there were thirteen diners at Jesus’ last supper. In the Tarot, the Death card is number thirteen.
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1.  Number Symbolism in Tarot: Three symbolizes creation—the result of two separate forces combining to create a third entity. A mother and a father produce a child together. A thesis and an antithesis combine to produce a synthesis. The number three can also represent body, mind, and spirit, or past, present and future. Many religions believe in a holy trinity, such as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, or Maiden, Mother, and Crone, or the triple goddess of the New, Full, and Old Moon.

2.  On the Kabalistic Tree of Life, three is the number of Binah, the topmost sephirah on the left-hand pillar, the third in order from the top of the Tree. It represents the first Heh of Tetragrammaton, and thus is the universal mother.

In magickal groups, this is associated with the degree known as Magister Templi, master of the temple, implying that such a person has true mystical understanding of the mysteries.

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One of the trumps of the Major Arcana of the tarot. Numbered XVI. In the system of Eliphas Levi, it corresponds to the Hebrew letter Ayin and the heaven of the Moon. In the system of the Golden Dawn, The Tower corresponds to the Hebrew letter Peh and the planet Mars.
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Should we build ourselves up too high, The Tower card warns that a bolt from the blue could shake us to our very foundations.
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The twenty-two cards of the major arcana of the Tarot; those cards not included in any of the four suits. The cards numbered 0 (the Fool) through 21 (the World).
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Number Symbolism in Tarot: The number twelve is a reminder of other significant twelves—such as the twelve tribes of Israel, the twelve apostles, the twelve months in a year, and the twelve signs of the zodiac.
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Number Symbolism in Tarot: Twenty-two is another master number, which amplifies the power of two. Humans have twenty-two pairs of chromosomes. There are twenty-two letters in the Hebrew alphabet, twenty-two paths on the Kabalistic Tree of Life, and twenty-two cards in the [Tarot’s] Major Arcana.
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1.  Number Symbolism in Tarot: Two represents duality and choices. The number two suggests pairs and combinations, as well as relationships, partnerships, and the attraction between two people. Twos also represent conversation and debate—the point and counterpoint of two opposing ideas, or the antithesis that rises up in response to almost every thesis. The nature of the number two also signifies a wide range of concepts that come in pairs: heaven and earth, male and female, active and passive, ...

2.  On the Kabalistic Tree of Life, two is the number of Chochma, the topmost sephirah on the right-hand pillar, the second in order from the top of the Tree. Thus, two represents the universal father and the body of the Yod, the first letter of the Tetragrammaton (its upper tip is in Kether, the first Sephirah). 

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Unique clear deck that features Lo Scarabeo's famed Universal Tarot in various areas so the cards can be overlaid to create new potentials for giving interpretive readings.

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One of the four suits of the Tarot, corresponding to the modern Clubs and the medieval peasant class. In the system of the Golden Dawn, corresponds to the element of Fire and the Yod of Tetragrammaton.
See Also:  BatonsStaves
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One of the trumps of the Major Arcana of the tarot. Numbered X. In the system of Eliphas Levi, it corresponds to the Hebrew letter Yod. In the system of the Golden Dawn, The Wheel of Fortune corresponds to the Hebrew letter Kaph and the planet Jupiter.
See Also:  La Roue de Fortune
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Because nothing is certain but change itself, the Wheel of Fortune reminds us all that what goes up must also come down.
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Tarot deck based on the Wiccan calendar, the Pagan "Wheel of the Year."

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Lo Scarabeo's Wiccan Cards is a Deck designed to be both an Wiccans and a short introduction to Wicca for beginners.
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The Witchy Tarot is a deck created to explore the Tarot from a Wiccan perspective with a young-at-heart, cheeky sense of humor.
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One of the trumps of the Major Arcana of the tarot. Numbered XXI. In the system of Eliphas Levi, it corresponds to the Hebrew letter Tau. In the system of the Golden Dawn, The World corresponds to the Hebrew letter Tau and the planet Saturn.
See Also:  Le MondeThe Universe
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A card of completion and success, The World is the last stop on the Fool’s journey.
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Number Symbolism in Tarot: Most of us think of zero as a starting point, from which we count our way up—or down, into negative numbers. Because zero seems to precede all of the other numbers, it symbolizes the period before existence—the great void that existed before the world was created, before the Big Bang when the universe burst into existence. The circular shape of the number 0 is also a reminder of the cosmic egg, the legendary source of the universe. It suggests the outward growth ...
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The Zodiac Tarot is a Tarot deck created by Lee Bursten with art by Luca Raimondo.
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