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Subject: Astrology

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In Astrology, an archaic term still used by some astrologers to describe a planet that has challenging aspects (such as squares, oppositions, and quincunxes) linked to it.

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Due to the astrophysical process known as the precession of the equinoxes, the exact date of the equinoxes slowly moves backwards through the zodiac. As the equinox enters a different sign it is considered a new "age." Because of the vast distances, there is no hard and fast date between the last and next age. Depending upon the astrologer, the date of the beginning of the Aquarian Age ranges from between 1904 and 2680.
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The “thinkers” of the Zodiac: Gemini, Libra, and Aquarius.
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Alchemical measurement meaning a drop.

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In astrology, a name given to the 29th degree of any sign; it is sometimes called the degree of fate. When a planet is in the anaretic degree of a sign (especially the Water signs of Cancer, Scorpio, and Pisces), spiritual qualities (including intuition, intuitiveness, psychic abilities, and empathy) associated with the planet and sign are enhanced.

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On an astrological horoscope, the "angles" are the lines formed by the ascendant (0 degrees), the I.C. (Latin for Imum Coeli, "bottom of the sky," at 90 degrees), the descendant (180 degrees), and midheaven (270 degrees). These are considered to be important points in a chart and are said to represent Cardinal qualities.

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The Angular houses of the birth chart (1st, 4th, 7th, and 10th) are considered strongly expressive; planets in these houses are more easily recognized by others or may be expressed in a more physical manner than other planets.
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Due to the precession of the equinoxes, the Earth goes through different astrological ages lasting about 2,150 years (the exact number of years is up for debate). Depending upon the astrologer, we are either currently in the Piscean age, are in the cusp with the Aquarian age, or actually in the Aquarian age. Roughly thought of as equivalent to the "New Age," most astrologers seem to hold we have not yet fully entered the Aquarian age. The signs of the Aquarian age include increased freedom, ...
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1.  The best quality of Aquarius is your humanitarian attitude. The worst quality is argumentativeness. A key phrase is “I know.” Aquarians are seen as progressive. When we speak of the Age of Aquarius, we are speaking of a period beginning now and extending into the future, with all the possibilities the future has to offer. Aquarians may be well informed or even visionary in your thinking. You may not be grounded in the practical application of your ideas. Focused on a universal goal, you may ...
2.  The Reformer Key Phrase: I KNOW Aquarius is the experience of individuality, and can be highly autonomous. As the Fixed Air sign of the zodiac, Aquarius expresses focused mental energy, and can show a strong level of ingenuity. Although most people think of Aquarius as progressive, it also has the capacity for fanatical attachment to an idea or ideal. Aquarius is the rebel and anarchist, but can be unselfish and altruistic, much like Uranus, which rules this sign. Symbolized by the ...
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In astrology, a special calculation (attributed to Arabic astrologers) resulting in points on the chart that are believed to be impactful. To determine them you add the positions of two parts of a chart (such as the Ascendant and the Moon) and then subtract a third factor (such as the Sun).

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In astrology, an arc is the difference on a chart between a progressed planet and the position of the planet on the natal chart. The Solar Arc is the most used form of this calculation.

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1.  The best quality of Aries is leadership. The worst quality is officiousness. A key phrase is “I am.” The Aries personality is energetic and ambitious. Aries wants to be in command and to be in the forefront of every activity. Courage is a strong personality trait. The Aries mental process is active as well. Not liking to be confined, Aries will entertain any idea and will refuse to be limited by precedent or environment. Enterprising in all things, Aries is no less goal-oriented in ...
2.  The Initiator Key Phrase: I AM Aries is the initiator, displaying independence, courage, and the leadership necessary to get things started. The Cardinal Fire sign of the zodiac, Aries has everything to do with movement, and is uncomfortable standing in one place for too long. Ruled by Mars, Aries is strongly self-directed, and can be highly impetuous and abrasive, sometimes showing a rash or careless approach to issues. Symbolized by the Ram, Aries tends toward headstrong, "me-first" ...
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1.  The ascendant, or rising sign, reflects your persona – what you choose to show to the world. Whereas the Sun sign is your individuality and does not change a great deal, you have the capacity to choose the nature and level of expression of your Ascendant. You can choose the most destructive expression, or you may choose to show a side of yourself to the world that is full of optimism and promise. The ascendant is frequently useful in describing your physical characteristics and general ...
2.  In astrology, the start of the First House; rules the demeanor and the physical body.
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1.  Astrology: when a planet enters a certain geometric (i.e., 90°) relationship with another planet.
2.  Magick: A description of part of an invocation, where a person takes on certain qualities—even the appearance—of a spirit or deity being invoked. In the Pagan ritual of Drawing Down the Moon, a High Priestess may aspect the Goddess to give advice and blessings to a group. Most often a part of a group ceremony rather than an individual rite.
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1.  Relationship between points in the chart. They are angles measured from the center of the chart. Specific angles are found to be significant.
2.  On a circular chart, it is easy to see interrelationships between the planets, Sun, Moon, and other significant astrological points. These relationships are measured in geometric terms, and are called aspects. Aspects are measured by the number of degrees which separate two planets or points on the chart.
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In astronomy, there are between 1.5 and 2 million small bodies known as asteroids that are a kilometer or larger in size. If you include smaller sizes, that number can jump to tens of billions. Although they are primarily found between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter, some (such as Chiron, which is between the orbits of Saturn and Uranus) are outside of that range. In astrology, there are four asteroids that are commonly used: Ceres, Juno, Pallas, and Vesta. These are also known as minor ...
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Two people born at the same date and time. They are often seen to have very similar personalities and may even have physical appearances that make them look like twins.
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Each planet in your birth chart resides in a house. The chart’s houses symbolize different facets of the self. Think of them as the fields of experience upon which you live your life. Each relates to a certain environment and specific relationships. One way to understand the houses is to consider the way you might act or dress if you were being interviewed by a prospective employer, and contrast that with the way you act or dress at home around people who know you on an everyday level. ...
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1.  Astrology is a science that examines the action of celestial bodies upon all living beings, non-living objects and earthly conditions, as well as their reactions to such influences. The study of the stars is one of the oldest sciences known to humankind, tracing its origins back to ancient Sumer and even earlier. The astrological arts were well known to the Egyptians, Hindus, Chinese, Persians, and the great civilizations of the ancient Americas. Astrology is the progenitor of astronomy, and ...
2.  The practice of interpreting the positions of objects outside the Earth’s atmosphere and how they indicate or reflect events found here in the past, present, or future. In the past, some people saw this as fatalistic: “If it’s in the stars it must happen.” This is more accurately described as astromancy. Today it is generally accepted that the stars impel but do not compel.
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The use of astrology to predict major weather patterns, especially hurricanes, tornadoes, violent storms, and other, weather-related dangers.
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In astrology, when there is strong, challenging relationship between Mars and Neptune it can signify potential violence in a relationship.

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(144 degrees)—Planets separate by two-fifths of the zodiac indicate the quality of inborn talents.
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Your birth chart, or horoscope, is drawn from calculations based upon the date, time, and place of your birth. Every element of the horoscope (which, if it’s like most Western horoscopes, will be drawn on a circular wheel) is expressed symbolically. Each symbol in the chart represents a celestial body, sign, house, or aspect.
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This is the important data needed to construct an accurate natal astrological chart. Although many newspapers give astrological predictions or forecasts based only on the date of birth, that is like trying to fully understand how a car works by looking at the gas cap. For an accurate chart you need three things: Date of birth Time of birth Location (the latitude and longitude) of birth. If one or more of these factors is not known, but if the time, date, and location of important life ...
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Cadent houses in the birth chart (3rd, 6th, 9th, and 12th) are said to be less forceful; planets placed in these houses may operate on a more mental or detached level.
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1.  The best quality of Cancer is the ability to nurture the self and others. The worst quality is holding on to things too tightly, or smothering. A key phrase is "I feel.” The Cancer personality is family- and home-oriented. The emotional well-being of the home environment is key to Cancer's emotional balance, which is even-tempered when it flows. When opposed, the Cancerian temperament can display other water characteristics, like freezing or flood stage emotions. Never let the emotional ...
2.  The Nurturer Key Phrase: I FEEL Cancer is expressed through feeling, and can be purely emotional. It embodies the qualities of protection and tenderness, and shows a high degree of sensitivity. As the Cardinal Water sign of the zodiac, Cancer initiates emotions, both in the self and others. Like its symbol, the Crab, Cancer can be indirect and defensive, and may even show a tendency toward manipulation and passive-aggression. The most patriotic of the signs, Cancer will defend home and ...
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1.  The best quality of Capricorn is diplomacy. The worst quality is deceitfulness. A key phrase is “I utilize.” To understand Capricorn, one must understand that there is not much difference between diplomacy and deceit. Capricorns tend to be honest and conscientious in your dealings with other people, but you may learn through experience to not say everything you know. You have the capacity to take the practical path to a material goal and leave the precise truth to someone else. That ...
2.  The Pragmatist Key Phrase: I USE The most ambitious sign of the zodiac, Capricorn is focused, cautious, and sensible. As the Cardinal Earth sign of the zodiac, Capricorn knows how to make the best use of the material, physical plane. The patience and discipline seen in Capricorn can help to provide a stable foundation for growth. But Capricorn can also resist change and become controlling, inhibited, and rigid. Symbolized by the Goat, Capricorn prefers the sure-footed path toward ascension, ...
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Assertive, ambitious, impatient. The cardinal signs are Aries, Cancer, Libra, and Capricorn.
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An expression used by astrologers to mean an object that physically exists in space. Examples would include planets, stars, moons, asteroids, comets, etc. The ecliptic, an imagined circle of the sun's apparent path through the sky, is not a celestial body.

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Although Ceres is just one of thousands of known asteroids, in astrology it is often treated as a minor planet. The asteroid is named after the Roman harvest goddess and is a version of the Greek Demeter. Keywords used in astrological interpretation of Ceres include: abandonment, agriculture, anger, compassion, domesticating, ecological, fertility, foster parenting, governess, menopause, mother, nanny, nurturing, animal husbandry, and survival.

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An expression used by astrologers that generally indicates the planet that rules the first house (also called the Rising Sign or Ascendant) of a horoscope chart. Some astrologers use a different definition, describing the Chart Ruler as the planet nearest the first house cusp, which is very close to the Ascendant.

No matter the definition, the effects of a Chart Ruler are often quite profound, and according to some are associated with one's physical appearance.

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1.  Chiron is an asteroid traveling in orbit between Saturn and Uranus. Although research on its effect on natal charts is not yet complete, it is believed to represent a key or doorway, healing, ecology, and a bridge between traditional and modern methods.
2.  In your birth chart, Chiron represents your deeper sense of purpose, and adds a subtle yet powerful drive to achieve a connection to higher values. Chiron may also indicate areas of vulnerability or emotional wounding which need special attention. Authorities have not yet determined Chiron’s influence is so well-established that many astrologers include it along with the Sun, Moon, and planets in their basic natal chart analyses.
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An organization called The Magic Society® describes the Cinderella Linkage as an aspect generally between Chiron and another planet (Venus, Jupiter, or Neptune) and also between Venus and either Neptune or the Sun (or combinations of these aspects). They claim that a connection between two people with any of these aspects (when positive in the chart) impels a "rags to riches" life.

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A very ancient astrological belief, possibly dating back to the Chaldeans, that certain years, especially multiples of 7, are important in a person's life (especially when it comes to the appearance of the body). Supposedly, a person is more likely to die during a climacteric year than during other times.

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In astrology, a composite horoscope is created taking the mathematical midpoints between the same planets and points on two different horoscope charts, thus creating a new chart that blends planets, points, etc. Such a Composite Chart is believed to quickly reveal a relationship's dynamics. 

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1.  (0 degrees)–Planets that are together in the zodiac. Indicates prominence of the two energies.
2.  Conjunction occurs when bodies are 0 degrees apart. The influence of the conjunction is variable, depending upon the nature of the two bodies or points involved. It indicates a unification and intensification of planetary energies.
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An artificial grouping of stars. They are often given names and mythologies that become fixed over time, such as the constellations of the zodiac

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The name used by astrologers to describe the situation where the declination (distance in degrees north or south of the celestial equator) of two planets is the same, but one is north and the other is south. There is usually a bit of leeway here, up to about three degrees. Contraparallels are usually interpreted as being like oppositions.

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Used by a small group of astrologers, Cosmobiology and its principal tool, midpoints, was developed in Germany in the 1920s. Cosmobiologists do not use houses or traditional aspects. Instead, they read charts with the midpoints, or the halfway point between any two planets. The theory is that the midpoint is the place where the energies of both planets unite. The midpoint is also considered a sensitive point in predictive astrology. Cosmobiologists use midpoint “trees,” a listing of the ...
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A dividing line between signs or houses in a chart.
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An astrological chart drawn up for the time and location of a person's death.

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A measurement of 10° of the zodiac.
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In astrology, every sign is composed of 30 degrees. Each sign can be divided into three equal parts of 10 degrees. Each part is known as a decanate.

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In astrology, an aspect observed between two planets, corollary points, or cusps that has a relationship of 36 degrees. Also called a semi-quintile.

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In an astrological (or astronomical) chart, the term declination refers to the number or degrees something such as a planet is above or below (north or south) of the celestial equator. 

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In astrology, the start of the Seventh House; represents other people.
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The sign opposite the sign of rulership. This is a sign where the planet's energy requires effort in order to be successful.
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A classical astrology term used to indicate comfort or standing of a planet in a particular sign.
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In astronomy and astrology, direct motion is a description of the appearance of normal forward motion of a body such as a planet through the zodiac signs. Sometimes, due to orbits of the planets in relation to the earth, the motion of the planets seems reversed or retrograde.

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The “maintainers” of the Zodiac: Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn.
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The great circle of sun’s apparent path through the sky. This circle is divided into 12 zones (30 degrees each). Each zone is associated with a specific constellation or sign. The tropical zodiacal system, the one most used in Western astrology, links 0 degrees of the sign Aries with the Vernal Equinox (around March 21).
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Although a popular concept with Medieval calendars, Egyptian Days were supposedly listed by Egyptian astrologers as being unlucky. New enterprises and surgeries should not be performed on these days:

January 1, 26

February 4, 26

March 1, 18

April 10, 20

May 3, 25

June 10, 16

July 13, 22

August 1, 30

September 3, 21

October 3, 22

November 5, 28

December 7, 22

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Electional astrology is utilized in choosing the most appropriate time to begin something. The intent is to achieve a successful outcome, and the rules applied are very specifically set toward that end. Many of the rules have their foundation in horary astrology, the counterpart to this work. Unlike horary, which answers after the fact, electional astrology approaches the matter beforehand and “elects” an appropriate time to achieve a desired outcome. Though the rules are the same, they are ...
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1.  The art of timing. It is utilized in choosing the most appropriate time to begin something.
2.  Branch of astrology based on the theory that some dates and times are preferable to others for initiating an activity. It is often used by people in the know to schedule a wedding, business opening, job interview or acceptance, listing a home for sale or buying a home, signing contracts, and major purchases such as vehicles. There is no perfect time for anything, so the electional astrologer selects the best possible date and time to maximize the planetary positions in favor of the election.
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1.  The zodiacal signs are divided into four groups called "triplicities," and in their order they represent the four elements, fire, earth, air and water.

Fiery Triplicity is composed of Aries, Leo, and Sagittarius

Earthly Triplicity: Taurus, Virgo, and Capricorn

Airy Triplicity: Gemini, Libra, and Aquarius

Watery Triplicity: Cancer, Scorpio, and Pisces

2.  Traditional feng shui utilizes five elements: wood, earth, fire, water, and metal. The elements embody the types of archetypal energy that shapes all things and symbolize the process of change. The interactions among the elements produce a continual cycle of growth and decay.
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A book or list that gives the planetary positions daily for long increments of time.
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Equal night. That time, or place, in the ecliptic where the days and nights are of equal length, which happens twice yearly when the Sun enters Aries (Vernal equinox) and Libra (autumnal equinox), from whence these signs derive the term, equinoctial signs.
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A classical astrology term for the sign or house where a planet is capable of its best expression, with the possible exception of domicile (the house or sign the planet rules).
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The sign opposite the sign of exaltation. This is a sign where the planet's energy tends to "fall away" from the highest or best expression.
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An astrological expression for the Earth and Water signs: Taurus, Cancer, Virgo, Scorpio, Capricorn, and Pisces.

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Techniques to determine general economic trends and as a tool for investing. Involves the use of ingress and lunar phase charts for trends, and incorporation and first-trade charts for investing.
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Stable, consistent, patient. The fixed signs are Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, and Aquarius.
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1.  Gemini’s best quality is versatility. The worst quality is changeableness. A key phrase is “I think.” Being a mutable sign, Gemini is changeable, and this can be the best or worst of qualities. Your versatility allows you to learn a little about just about everything and to develop skills in many areas. This makes for a good executive or manager, as you are able to oversee multiple activities and keep track of many projects at once. Other people can almost see the wheels turning. ...
2.  The Questioner Key Phrase: I THINK Gemini is ever-curious, and indicates the experience of diversity. The Mutable Air sign of the zodiac shows a high level of flexibility and cleverness. Gemini is ever-youthful, witty, inquisitive - and sometimes nervous. Symbolized by the Twins, this is the primary quality of duality, and can present at least two sides to every picture. Gemini can also play the prankster, and show a high degree of fickleness. Intellectual pursuits, mental gymnastics, and ...
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An astrological term that relates to the very slow movement of the outer planets on a horoscope. Because of that extremely slow motion, entire age groups or generations are born with virtually the same aspects of the outer planets in their charts. 

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Divination system based on the position of the stars at birth; astrology.
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In most astrological systems, horoscopes are drawn up as if the Earth were the center of the local planetary system. This is known as being geocentric. Debunkers have attacked astrology for this because our solar system is heliocentric, or sun-centered. However, the main chart used in astrology, the natal horoscope, is simply a picture of the skies at the time and place where a person was born, indicating relative positions of planets and stars. As such, it is a completely accurate view. ...
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A term used in astrology to describe an image where planets in a birth chart form a geometric shape such as a triangle, star, or square. There are currently eight accepted shapes: Beneficial Geometric Planetary Configurations (The Star of David, The Grand Trine, The Kite) Ambiguous Geometric Planetary Configurations (The Yod or Finger of God, The Basket, The Golden Rectangle) Turbulent Geometric Planetary Configurations (The T-Square, The Grand Cross) Beneficial Geometric Planetary ...
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When four or more planets form two sets of oppositions that combine to form four squares, there is a grand cross or grand square. These planets are also usually related by mode (Cardinal, Fixed, or Mutable). This is a difficult configuration, and may produce more frustration than the T-square, but there is usually great strength accompanying it to endure and develop character.
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When three or more planets are 120 degrees from one another in three parts of the birth chart, they form a triangular configuration called a grand trine. Usually, the planets are in the same element (Fire, Earth, Air, or Water), and the formation is described, for example, as a "Fire" or "Earth" grand trine. This pattern shows special protection and can be beneficial, although it does indicate a closed circuit of energy. It may also show areas where the person is self-sufficient.
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In astrology, an aspect is a relationship between two points in a chart. Hard aspects indicate challenges, tensions, disagreement, and friction. Three major hard aspects are squares, oppositions, and quincunxes.

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The use of harmonics in astrology is quite old and was practiced to a limited extent in ancient India. Today, thanks to the use of computers, determining harmonics, a numerical relationship between aspects, has become easier, so the use of harmonics in astrological interpretation has become more popular. Harmonic charts multiply the positions of planets by a number, resulting in the planets appearing at new positions. Generally, the number is from 1—12, although theoretically other ...
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An astrological chart where the Sun is the center rather than the Earth. Unlike the more common geocentric system, a heliocentric chart shows the Earth and not the Sun. The inner planets, such as Venus and Mercury, can have quite a different position in heliocentric and geocentric charts, while the distant planets will show very little difference.

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Horary astrology is the art of answering a question by analysis of a chart drawn for the precise moment of the question. Within the horary chart lies the answer to the question, and all circumstances surrounding the matter.
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1.  Your astrological chart, or horoscope, is drawn from calculations based upon the date, time, and place of your birth. Every element of the horoscope (which, if it’s like most Western horoscopes, will be drawn on a circular wheel) is expressed symbolically. Each symbol in the chart represents a celestial body, sign, house, or aspect.

2.  A "map" of the planetary positions at any moment of time as seen for a point on the earth’s surface. It is the form from which astrological interpretations are given based upon thousands of years of observed coincidental phenomena.

Suggested Reading:

Perry: Saturn Cycles: Mapping Changes in Your Life

Clement: Mapping Your Birthchart: Understanding Your Needs & Potential

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Latin, "Bottom of the Sky.") In astrology, the Imum Coeli, or I.C., is the point found at the bottom of a horoscope. It is exactly opposite the Midheaven.

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A term used in astrology to mean the entrance of a planet or other moving object into a zodiacal sign or quadrant.

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In astrology, an intercepted sign is one that is completely within an astrological house and does not appear on the cusp of that house. These always appear in pairs, with another sign also intercepted on the opposite side of the zodiac. For example, if Aries is intercepted in the second house, Libra will be intercepted in the eighth house. The imagery of a sign being hidden within a house gives rise to the interpretation that intercepted signs relate to the unconscious mind. So, it is quite ...
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Because of its large size, it was originally considered a planet; however, its shape and location required it to be redefined as one of the thousands of known asteroids. It is often treated as a minor planet. Juno is named after the Greek queen of the gods who is also the goddess of marriage. Some astrologers consider Juno to be important and use it in their computations. Keywords for Juno used by astrologers for interpretations include: spouse, wife, partnerships, law giver, judge, women's ...
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Jupiter is in its rulership in Sagittarius. Jupiter is the planet that can tell you about processes in your life. On the physical level Jupiter relates to glandular function, specifically the liver. The sign and house placement indicate the general level of glandular function, and may indicate the most appropriate diet. Aspects to Jupiter can indicate the timing of diet and nutritional changes to achieve healthier processing within the body. The same is true for the mind. Jupiter indicates a ...
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The system of astrology primarily practiced in India. It has three major differences from Western astrology:

  1. It uses a sidereal zodiac rather than a tropical zodiac
  2. It focuses on predictions rather than psychological interpretations
  3. It gives specific remedies to resolve problems

 Although it is sometimes called Vedic astrology, astrological research in India pre-dates the book known as the Vedas.

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1.  The best quality of Leo is kindness. The worst quality is domination. A key phrase is "I lead." The Leo personality is strong, even majestic. Leo wants to be dignified in every situation, and also may want to dominate. Stability is a pronounced trait. The Leo mental process tends toward large ideas. Leo is determined to rise to a position of authority and despises petty tasks. The desire for personal glory sometimes leads Leo’s reach to exceed the grasp in the pursuit of honors or high ...
2.  The Loyalist Key Phrase: I WILL The regal sign of the zodiac, Leo certainly knows how to claim the center of attention! Operating as the Fixed Fire sign, this is the quality of determined inspiration which develops a sense of loyalty, pride, and steadfast honor. But Leo can also be ego-centered, and in its more negative forms of expression shows arrogance and pomposity. Leo may be most comfortable at play, where the ego can relax and creative energy run free. There is magnetism associated with ...
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1.  The best quality of Libra lies in your natural social skills. The worst quality is your capacity to vacillate or approve without careful thought. A key phrase is “I balance.” The Libra personality is peaceful in general, although you can be formidable champions of justice when aroused. You are changeable, willing to go along with the decisions of others in all cases where the outcome is not of deep personal importance to you. The tendency to be indecisive may change as you gather ...
2.  The Judge Keyword Phrase: I BALANCE Libra’s refined sensibilities are seen in artistry of all forms. Social and diplomatic, Libra can be highly impartial. As the Cardinal Air sign of the zodiac, Libra represents the need to initiate relationships and make connections. Yet Libra can also be distant, inconsiderate, and conceited. Symbolized by the Scales, Libra strives for balance and harmony, but is sometimes caught in indecision. Libran energy tends toward a high degree of logic and ...
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In astrology, a hypothetical dark second moon of Earth, about one-fourth the size of the moon. The existence of Lilith was first proposed by eighteenth-century astronomers, on the basis of a few sightings (probably of an asteroid). Charts of Lilith’s estimated positions have been drawn up, and a few modern astrologers make use of Lilith in chart interpretation.
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From the Latin lumin: light. Luminary is a poetic term for the astronomical bodies that generate or reflect light. In our solar system they are primarily the Sun, Moon, and planets.
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Latin name of the Moon and the Roman Moon goddess. In the Kabalah, Luna corresponds to the ninth Sephirah on the Tree of Life. Astrological keywords for Luna include: emotion, feelings, things that are reflected, changeability, mother and mothering, instinctual, all things to do with the home, the subconscious, memory.

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Having to do with the Moon.
See Also:  moon
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"Man is subject, like other mammals, birds, and even insects, to the mysterious law that causes normal processes, such as gestation, as well the maturation and duration of various diseases, to follow lunar periods."

—Charles Darwin: The Descent of Man

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In astrology, a term indicating the exact moment the moon is conjunct with the sun. The new moon.
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Mars rules Aries. Mars is energy. It is the kind of energy that your body uses to contract muscles, to assimilate food, and to fire synapses in the brain. It is the kind of energy that makes gasoline burn, pushing pistons up and down, thereby moving your car. It is the dynamic energy of all action in the material world. The god Mars was responsible for two distinctive kinds of energetic activity: He was the god of war, going around sowing terror and fear in the enemy and inspiring courage as ...
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1.  Mercury was the messenger of the gods, and the planet is the fastest in motion. It moves back and forth through the sky, changing its apparent direction six times each year. This apparent back and forth movement is a reflection of how we learn. We listen, then we try. We go back to correct a pattern and we try again. Once we grasp a concept we can move forward quickly to the next challenge. Our mental processes have two basic patterns. Inductive reasoning is something we are born with. It is ...
2.  (Alchemy) The alchemical element described as fluid, creative, uniting, and neutral or androgynous.
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1.  The Midheaven is the first point in the chart to be calculated. The Midheaven is the part of the zodiac that is the highest (most elevated) visible point in the sky at the time you are born. If you ask the question, “How long has it been since zero degrees of Aries was at the Midheaven?” the answer tells you what degree of the zodiac is there in terms of time. If the Sun is at zero degrees of Aries, the Sun will be at the Midheaven at noon. Noon in this case is based on Local Time. Standard ...
2.  In astrology, the degree of the zodiac at the highest point in the sky at the time for which a chart is cast. In natal astrology, the position of the midheaven is often used to interpret the highest goals or potentials a person may achieve in life.
3.  In astrology, the tiptop of the chart, signifying worldly recognition and status. The Midheaven is the start of the Tenth House. Also known as the MC or Medium Coeli.
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In astrology, a midpoint is the exact point (degree and minute) that is midway between two points (such as two planets, a planet and an angle, etc.).  

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Also known as the quadruplicities, there are three modalities: Cardinal, fixed, and mutable. The modalities are often associated or even considered to be the same as the traditional alchemical or magickal elements: fire, earth, air, and water. However, it's more accurate to describe them as the way an element functions, rather than the element itself.  The Cardinal signs are Aries, Cancer, Libra, and Capricorn. Cardinal signs are considered to be pioneers, but once they explore or start ...
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The Moon is in its sign of rulership in Cancer. The Moon is visible to us because of reflected light from the Sun. Its monthly motion through the heavens and its phases are timers we should all take seriously. Hospital employees tell stories of increased birth rate or emergency room traffic as the Full Moon approaches. Astrologers know that important activities are best begun just after the New Moon. The Moon in your chart reflects your subconscious mind. Its sign and house describe your ...
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As the Moon orbits the Earth, its relative position with the Sun and Earth light the surface of the Moon, giving the impression of the Moon growing or shrinking. This is generally divided into four phases, the growing or waxing phase, the shrinking or waning phase, the full Moon and the dark or New Moon. Some systems add more phases to this model.

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The zodiacal sign in which the moon is located, determined by the moment and location for which a horoscope is drawn (such as the time and place of birth). Many astrologers believe the moon rules emotions (and rules the intuition along with Neptune); therefore, the Moon sign in a birth chart will reveal a great deal about a person's personality. 

Many astrologers believe the three most significant parts of a birth horoscope are the Sun sign, Moon sign, and ascendant.

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The study of countries, cities, provinces, and states. Each has a birth chart that is used to forecast trends and major events affecting that entity. Mundane astrologers would use a city’s chart, for example, to forecast a natural disaster, or a country’s chart to forecast the general welfare of the people for a certain time period. This branch of astrology also includes the study of wars, peace agreements, presidential inaugurations and other government-initiated events. From the birth ...
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Adaptable, responsive, restless. The mutable signs are Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, and Pisces.
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In astrology, the point at the bottom of the horoscope chart. 

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Your natal (birth) chart, or horoscope, is drawn from calculations based upon the date, time, and place of your birth. Every element of the horoscope (which, if it’s like most Western horoscopes, will be drawn on a circular wheel) is expressed symbolically. Each symbol in the chart represents a celestial body, sign, house, or aspect.
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Neptune is in its rulership in Pisces. All that is glamorous, mystical, metaphysical, and inspirational participates in the energy reflected by Neptune in your chart. Like Uranus and Pluto, Neptune remains in one sign for many years, so your friends all share a similar grasp of Neptune’s energy. The house placement and the aspects to Neptune color your sensitivity in a more personal way. What you consume is what you are on the physical plane. The placement of Neptune indicates how you ...
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The New or Dark Moon is the beginning phase, when the Moon and Sun are together (conjunct) in the sky. This occurs each month and in each sign, with the occasional 13th New Moon falling in the last degrees of the same sign as the previous New Moon. This event is called a "Blue Moon," and the term "once in a Blue Moon" is used to indicate a rare event.
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The nodes are mathematical points that represent where the orbit of the Moon around the Earth crosses the ecliptic (which is the apparent path of the Sun around the Earth). The North Node and the South Node are always exactly opposite each other in the chart.
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The North Node is the point where the Moon's orbit rises above the ecliptic. See Nodes
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In astrology, a lesser-used relationship where two points, such as two planets, are at an aspect of 40°. Some astrologers equate the Novile aspect with the ability to understand and make use of information that can lead to evolutionary growth.

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(180 degrees)—Planets opposite each other in the zodiac indicate where the individual will be aware of differences.
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The apparent motion of the Sun each day follows a path through the sky that in relation to the horizon appears higher or lower. The amount above the horizon is called the Sun's declination. Usually, the position of the planets is between the north and south limits of the Sun's declination. However, they can move outside this range. In astrology, when planets are outside of the Sun's north and south declination limits, they are said to be out-of-bounds. When such positions are considered by ...
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In astrology, this refers to the situation when two planets have a certain aspect to each other, but the signs they are in do not match that aspect. This may refer to the concept that a relationship on the surface is not the same as a deeper aspect.

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One of the thousand of known asteroids, it was the second to have been discovered and one of the largest. It was originally considered a planet. It's named after the Roman goddess who served as the ruler of the sky who is associated with the Greek goddess Athena (goddess of wisdom, courage, civilization, justice, mathematics, strength, the arts, crafts, etc.), becoming Pallas Athena. Some astrologers use Pallas in their horoscopes and give it keywords that include: wisdom, creativity, ...
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In astrology, an aspect where two planets are at the same degree (either north or south of the horoscope's equator). Usually, only a very small Orb of difference is allowed when claiming planets are parallel.

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In astrology, a point in the chart that shows where joy and fortune can be found.
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Because of the precession of the equinoxes, the position of the stars in relation to the Earth slowly changes, moving through one sign of the zodiac every 2,100 years. Since there are no lines of demarcation in the universe, just transitional areas, the full effect of entering an age may begin to occur a hundred years or more before any date given as the beginning of an age, and may not completely manifest for hundreds of years after the age has officially started. The Piscean Age reflects ...
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1.  The best quality of Pisces is sympathy. The worst quality is hypersensitivity. A key phrase is “I believe.” The Pisces personality is dreamy and idealistic. You like to float in an ocean of sensitivity, relating to your own feelings and the feelings of others in a direct way. You are the classic romantics, wanting to indulge the senses. You sometimes appear to be vague. Mentally Pisceans are prudent people, balancing the emotional side with the capacity to worry about details. Because ...
2.  The Visionary Key Phrase: I BELIEVE The most sensitive sign of the zodiac, Pisces represents imagination, idealism, and compassion. As the Mutable Water sign, Pisces can show exceptional flexibility, but can also be unfocused and uncommitted. Pisces tends toward the visionary, psychic, and poetic aspects of life, and has qualities of the mystical. Ruled by Neptune, Pisces can also be the escapist, and may relish the roles of victim, martyr, and/or rescuer. Symbolized by two Fish tied together ...
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Alchemical association of metals with the astrological qualities of planets. Different sets of associations exist, but one of the most popular ones is:

Moon: Silver
Mercury: Quicksilver
Venus: Copper
Sun: Gold
Mars: Iron
Jupiter: Tin
Saturn: Lead
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In Western astrology, planets are objects that move through the sky. The planets most used in astrology are the Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto, Chiron, and the asteroids. Earth is not considered a planet, as Western astrology is geocentric and has the Earth as a point of reference around which the planets appear to move. Since, from this viewpoint, the Earth doesn't move in the sky, it's not considered.

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Pluto is the god of the Underworld. His actions are mysterious and even frightening. The planet was discovered in the 1930s at a time when the underworld of gangsters was thriving, causing serious disruption and turmoil. The power of such activities is only one expression of Pluto’s kind of energy. Pluto is the ruler of Scorpio. Obsessive thinking and compulsive action are indicated by Pluto. The house position and aspects of Pluto show where you can get caught up in destructive thought ...
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In astrology, the polarities describes a division of the signs into two sets of groups, often related to masculine and feminine qualities. Many modern astrologers use the Chinese terms Yang (masculine) and Yin (feminine) to describe them. The first sign of the zodiac, Aries, is Yang. The second, Taurus, is Yin. This alternation continues through the twelve signs.

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Used to forecast trends and events in an individual’s life. There are many techniques, the most popular being the progressed and transiting planets aspecting planets and angles in the birth chart. Solar returns are also used by many astrologers. Predictive astrology is a valuable tool in that it provides advance information an individual can use in decision making. It is helpful to know what’s on the horizon, when to pursue career goals, when to conserve and when to spend, when ...
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A set of methods for creating a new astrological birth chart based on a combination of the original birth data (date, time, location) and the current date. The most popular method is to draw up a chart that is one day later than the original for each year a person has been alive. This chart, also known as a progressed horoscope, is used to indicate influences for the current year, as opposed to the influences at birth. While this may seem arbitrary, it has been used successfully for centuries. ...
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See: Modality

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In astrology, the signs are classified in several ways. One way is by their Qualities (Cardinal, Fixed, or Mutable). Qualities are also referred to as modes, modalities, or quadruplicites.

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(150 degrees)—Planets five signs apart indicate the nature of adjustments the individual will be required to make.
See Also:  Inconjunct
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Pronounced as if it is an Italian word, ("kwin-deh-chee-leh"), it refers to 15 degree increments of aspects in an astrological chart between two planets, corollary points, or cusps. This is based around the twenty-fourth harmonic, and 360° of a circle divided by 24 equals 15. Since this has to do with increments, the quindecile expression refers to relationships of 15, 30, 45, 60, 75, 90, 105, 130, 135, 150, 165, and 180 degrees.  According to Noel Tyl, one or more quindecile aspects ...
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(72 degrees)—Planets separated by one-fifth of the zodiac contribute creatively to each other.
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Rectification is an important part of astrology that has become easier to accomplish with the aid of computers. The precise time of birth is important when making a horoscope, but many people do not have a birth certificate with an accurate time. Rectification is a technique that uses known events, relationships, and experiences, as well as personality traits, to determine a precise birth time, allowing for the creation of an accurate horoscope.

See Also:  chart rectification
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Used to determine the most optimum locations in the world for life activities such as relationship happiness, career success, vacationing, or retirement. The astrologer relocates the individual’s birth chart to a new location as if the person had been born there.
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In astrology, a report is the name given to an interpretation of a birth chart. Llewellyn offers many such reports; click here to view them. Reports are also called delineations or interpretations.

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1.  Actually an optical illusion, a planet is called retrograde when its course appears to turn backward. When a planet is in retrograde motion at one’s birth, its energy is turned inward and must be developed from an inner awareness before it can be fully expressed externally.
2.  From our viewpoint on earth, planets other than the Sun and Moon appear to back up at certain times of the year. They aren’t really moving backwards but appear to be moving backward in the zodiac from an earthly perspective.
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The rising sign, or ascendant, reflects your persona—what you choose to show to the world. Whereas the Sun sign is your individuality and does not change a great deal, you have the capacity to choose the nature and level of expression of your Ascendant. You can choose the most destructive expression, or you may choose to show a side of yourself to the world that is full of optimism and promise. The Ascendant is frequently useful in describing your physical characteristics and general health. ...
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In astrology, each planet has certain qualities and is linked to a zodiacal sign with similarities or an affinity to that sign. The planet is said to be the sign's ruler. If the planet appears in that sign in a horoscope, the effect is enhanced. If it appears in a sign that is at odds with the sign it rules, its effect is diminished.

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1.  The best quality of Sagittarius is loyalty. This is true for Sun sign Sagittarians, and also for people with other planets in this sign, although with other planets, the loyalty may extend only to matters concerning that planet. The worst quality is indiscriminate game-playing. A key phrase is “I aspire.” The Sagittarius personality is generous, ambitious, and loyal. Self-reliant, Sagittarians can go off on world travels alone without a qualm, and tend to throw youselves into life with ...
2.  The Adventurer Key Phrase: I UNDERSTAND Sagittarius is the optimistic quality which inspires us to have faith in ourselves and our futures. As the Mutable Fire sign of the zodiac, Sagittarius expresses the ability to maintain an open mind. Philosophical and tolerant of differences, Sagittarius can show great wisdom, and through the energy of Jupiter, its planetary ruler, is stimulated to reach toward broader horizons. Yet it can also be tactless, blunt, and even condescending. Sagittarius must ...
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Where Jupiter showed process, Saturn shows structure. Saturn is the ruler of Capricorn. Its placement and aspects indicate how structure is perceived either as limitation and restriction that keep you from pursuing your desires or as a container in which you can lead an orderly and productive life. On the whole structure is a good thing. The structure of bones allows us to move about and stand erect. Our skin provides a container without which we would surely die. It is how we perceive the ...
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1.  The best quality of Scorpio is resourcefulness. The worst quality is the ability to cause trouble. A key phrase is “I desire.” Intensity is the principal personality trait of Scorpio. Whatever career or vocational interests you pursue, you do it with tremendous force. The strength of desire is seen in every serious effort a Scorpio makes. You are proud, and can become the nemesis of anyone who insults you. The Scorpio mental process is meditative. You can take a set of data and ...
2.  The Catalyst Key Phrase: I CREATE Scorpio is passionate. As the Fixed Water sign of the zodiac, it illustrates the qualities of strong and abiding attachment. Ruled by Pluto, Scorpio serves to bring healing and transformation. Despite an often cool, calm exterior, it senses everything and misses nothing. Symbolized by the Scorpion and Eagle, Scorpio represents powers of destruction and regeneration. Scorpio is erotic, sensual, and incisive, but can be an extremist and unrelentingly vengeful. ...
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An minor aspect created between two planets, corollary points, or cusps that has an arc of 18°. Also called virgintile, it is considered mildly positive or beneficial.

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See Decile.

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(30 degrees)—Planets that are exactly one sign apart on the zodiac. Indicates growth; can be uncomfortable.
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(45 degrees)—Planets exactly one and one-half signs apart in the zodiac indicate internal tension and stress.
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(135 degrees)—Planets four and one-half signs apart indicate agitation, which may not be evident to observers.
See Also:  Sesquisquare
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1.  (60 degrees)—Planets that are two signs apart are able to cooperate to produce opportunities.
2.  In astrology, two bodies or celestial points that are 60 degrees apart in the zodiac. A friendly relationship or aspect.
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Due to slight changes in the movement of the Earth around its axis, the positions of the stars in the sky relative to the equinoxes and solstices slowly change in what is called the Precession of the Equinoxes. In the common Western form of astrology, which uses the Tropical zodiac, the Vernal Equinox always is associated with 0 degrees of the sign Aries. With the Sidereal Zodiac, which is found in other forms of astrology such as Jyotish, the astrology of India, the equinoxes and solstices ...
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The Zodiac is a circle of space surrounding the Earth. It may be imagined as a belt in the heavens about 15 degrees wide in which the planets travel. It is the Sun's apparent path, called the ecliptic. The zodiacal circle is divided into twelve parts, each part containing 30 degrees of space called the Signs of the Zodiac. Thus a sign is a one-twelfth division of the zodiacal circle and is defined as containing 30 degrees of celestial longitude: 12 signs each measuring 30 degrees constitute the ...
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Latin for the Sun, the only star in our solar system. In Astrology it is treated as a planet, the ruler of the sign Leo. On the Kabbalistic Tree of Life it corresponds to the sixth Sephirah, Tiphereth. When interpreting horoscopes, astrological keywords associated with the Sun include: identity, vitality, creativity, ruler, king, ego, pride, self esteem, inner self, forcefulness, leadership, will power, egotism, authority, boss.

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In astrology, a solar return chart is a horoscope created for when the Sun returns to the exact degree/minute/second of its position at your birth, usually within a day or two of your birthday. Because the other planets move at different speeds, they will be at different positions in this chart compared to your natal horoscope. This new solar return chart may be interpreted to give a report for the upcoming year.

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Standing Still. The point in the earth's orbit around the Sun in which the ecliptic reaches its maximum obliquity. The Summer Solstice occurs annually around June 22, when the Sun enters Cancer at 23.5 degrees N declination, highest overhead in the northern hemisphere. The longest day of the year. The Winter Solstice occurs annually around December 22, when the Sun enters Capricorn at 23.5 degrees S declination, its lowest point in the northern hemisphere. The shortest day of the year.
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The South Node is the point where the Moon's orbit falls below the ecliptic. See Nodes.
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1.  (90 degrees)—Planets three signs apart indicate challenges.
2.  In astrology, two bodies or celestial points that are 90 degrees apart in the zodiac. A stressful relationship or aspect.
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Because the motion of the planets around the sun is relative to the position of our vantage point here on Earth, some of the planets, especially the inner ones, will at times appear to move backwards (retrograde) in their motion. During the time they are changing from direct to retrograde or retrograde to direct, they appear to be stationary. Also known as "making a station," when stationary retrograde (changing from direct to retrograde), it can symbolize a delay or a reversal. When a planet ...
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When three or more planets are in conjunction with one another, a stellium is formed. This adds intensity to the sign and house in which they occur. A stellium creates a sense of self-absorption and can add a self-centeredness to the personality, but it also provides a sense of focus. The difficulty arises when the individual needs to change focus or make adjustments.
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Succedent houses of the birth chart (2nd, 5th, 8th, and 11th) are sensitive; planets placed in these houses are likely to carry a more passionate charge.
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The Sun rules Leo. Vitality is the energy reflected by the Sun in the astrological chart. Just as the Sun is the source of life for all living things we know of, the Sun’s position in your chart is an indicator of the way you approach life. Nearly everyone knows their Sun sign and a little bit about it. We read the astrology column in the newspaper to see how the day will be for our sign. Many people like the time of year around their birthday, not just because it is near their birthday, but ...
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In astrology, the zodiacal sign in which the Sun could be seen at the time of birth. When someone asks, "What's your sign?" they actually are asking for your Sun sign.  While the Sun is certainly an important planet in a horoscope, it has been stressed in simplistic books and in newspaper astrology columns, giving many people the idea that Sun Sign astrology is the entirety of astrology, and a straw man often used by debunkers and pseudo-skeptics against astrology.  To astrologers, ...
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The astrological practice of interpreting the natal charts of two or more people to judge compatibility and relationship advantages and challenges. Traditionally, this involves comparing how planets in one chart are in aspect to the planets of the other. Also involved is interpreting the house positions of each person’s planets as they fall in the other chart(s).
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Synthesis is the name for the techniques of uniting all the separate bits of information and themes of a divination or reading together, determining the relative importance of each of these things to stress what is more important, and blending them into an internally consistent and harmonious whole. Although most commonly used by astrologers, the idea of synthesizing the bits of data in a reading can apply to any divinatory technique, such as a Tarot reading.

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1.  The best quality of Taurus is stability. The worst quality is stubbornness. A key phrase is “I have.” The Taurus personality is industrious, sometimes even plodding. It is easy to imagine the Taurus still going, like the Energizer Bunny, when everyone else has quite for the day. Once you get on a roll, you don’t want to stop. Taurus is seen as being reliable and generally consistent. You know the value of money and appreciate material possessions. The Taurus mentality leans to ...
2.  The Maintainer Key Phrase: I HAVE Taurus is conservative, and prefers to maintain the status quo. Operating in a Fixed mode and the Earth element, Taurus can be extremely stabilizing—like the Rock of Gibraltar. Through a natural connection with the energy of Venus, Taurus loves the good things of life, and can be highly affectionate. A natural, earthy sensuality is associated with this sign, which can also be highly possessive. Taurus is calm, steadfast, and enduring, but can become a ...
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The relationships of the positions of the planets in an astrological chart in comparison to their position in another chart. Usually, this compares the positions of the planets at a specific time (such as a birthday or at the time for making a decision) with the positions of a natal or birth horoscope. The transits can also be tracked on a daily basis. This information can be used by skilled astrologers to provide information on current ups and downs in a person’s life.
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In astrology, an undetected theoretical planet with an orbit outside that of Pluto. Astrologers believe such a planet has to do with learning wholeness and being able to integrate your relationships.

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A minor astrological aspect between two planets, corollary points, or cusps that are 108° apart.

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1.  (120 degrees)—Planets four signs apart indicate comfortable conditions where their energies are concerned.
2.  In astrology, two bodies or celestial points that are 120 degrees apart in the zodiac. A friendly relationship or aspect.
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The zodiacal signs are divided into four groups called "triplicities," and in their order they represent the four elements of fire, earth, air, and water.

Fiery Triplicity is composed of Aries, Leo, SagittariusEarthly Triplicity: Taurus, Virgo, CapricornAiry Triplicity: Gemini, Libra, AquariusWatery Triplicity: Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces
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In astrology, the zodiacal signs each have characteristics of one of the four natural elements of fire, earth, water, and air. 
Although it can be confusing to call them triplicities (there are four elements, so shouldn't they be called quadruplicates?), since there are 12 zodiacal signs, the pattern repeats three times to give each sign one of the elements.

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Eight hypothetical planets "discovered" by Alfred Witte and Friedrich Sieggrun at the beginning of the twentieth century. Ephemeredes for their positions exist. These hypothetical planets are called Cupido, Hades, Zeus, Kronos, Apollon, Admetos, Vulcanus, and Poseidon.

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Uranus rules Aquarius. If you have wondered why and how sudden changes come into your life, look no further. Uranus may be the answer. This planet reflects the energy of sudden change and also provides the intuitive information you need to deal with beginnings, endings, and even catastrophes. Let’s look at the independent, unconventional actions inspired within us and reflected by Uranus in the chart. This planet shows what part of your life will be the focus of your independence and where ...
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Venus is the goddess of beauty, and is the ruler of Taurus and Libra. She makes everyone feel comfortable. She has a positive outlook on life and imparts that feeling to others. Venus in your chart may indicate, by its sign and house, the part of your body that is most attractive, or a part of the body that you find attractive in others. The seductive part of your personality can be described by looking at Venus. This capacity is clearly not restricted to sexuality, but extends into every area ...
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One of the thousands of known asteroids, it is named after the Greek goddess who served as a comforter, keeper of the sacred hearth, and sacred harlot. In Astrology some practitioners treat it as a minor planet and interpret it using keywords such as: sister, sexuality, fertility, comforter, charity, sacred chastity, sacred warrior, sacred harlot, sacred sex, diplomacy, rituals, secret societies, hospitality, and tradition.

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1.  The best quality of Virgo is analytical ability. The worst quality is petty criticism. A key phrase is “I analyze.” The Virgo personality is nothing if not practical. You can be attentive to details to the point of obsession. Virgos have encyclopedic memories for detail, and can often recall casual references to minor subjects. You thrive on meticulous examination of the facts, and are able to manipulate statistics easily. Virgos can take the thoughts and ideas of others and ...
2.  The Modifier Key Phrase: I ANALYZE Virgo’s expression is practical, neat, and precise, with a high degree of analytical ability. The Mutable Earth sign of the zodiac, Virgo prefers an approach to life which makes sense, and can be uncomfortable in the face of frivolity. Ruled by Mercury, Virgo’s mental energy tends toward problem-solving. This is the quality of methodical, painstaking attention to detail, which when carried to extremes can become overly critical, nit-picking, and ...
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The Moon is "void of course" when it has completed all its major aspects while in a specific sign. The Moon could be in any phase and also be in the last degrees of a sign. Void of course means without a course, or path, to aspect another planet. Generally the major aspects are thought to include conjunction, sextile, square, trine, and opposition.
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The Moon from just after Full Moon until it disappears.
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1.  The Zodiac is a circle of space surrounding the Earth. It may be imagined as a belt in the heavens about 15 degrees wide in which the planets travel. It is the Sun's apparent path, called the ecliptic. The zodiacal circle is divided into twelve parts, each part containing 30 degrees of space called the Signs of the Zodiac. Thus a sign is a one-twelfth division of the zodiacal circle and is defined as containing 30 degrees of celestial longitude: 12 signs each measuring 30 degrees constitute the ...
2.  The zodiac is divided into twelve signs, each comprising 30 degrees. The signs of the zodiac do not correspond to the constellations of the same names, although the mythologies of the signs and the constellations are related.
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