Herb-filled sachets, when tucked near your pillow as you slumber, are a wonderful way to induce sleep, encourage pleasant dreams, or release anxiety. Another way to use them in your craft is to induce prophetic dreaming. Before you go to sleep, use a dream journal to write down questions you would like the answer to. Then tuck your herbal sachet near your pillow and see what your dreams reveal. Remember to write down your revelations as soon as you awaken so you won't forget them. To make a ...
We have all made mistakes that have left us feeling inadequate in some way. They haunt us as we try to sleep, reminding us of our shortcomings and filling our heads with guilt. This spell reminds us to find the grace within us to wash away our imperfections and align with the energy of self-love. You will need: A few dried rose petals A glass half-filled with tap water A piece of scrap paper A washable marker Before you go to bed, drop the rose petals into the glass of tap water. Stir ...
Winter still holds tight with icy fingers and frigid breath, but we can raise our vibrations in preparation for new goals and possibilities that come with a new year. Aura-cleansing spray is an easy, smokeless alternative to smoke cleansing. It can remove the negative gunk and low-vibrational energy that can accumulate over the winter holidays. You will need: A 4-ounce glass spray bottle 4 ½ tablespoons water 1 ½ tablespoons witch hazel 20–25 drops lavender essential ...
The new year is just around the corner. What does it have in store for you? Stretch your psychic feelers with a prophetic dream pillow. Get a drawstring bag or stitch a small pillow from fabric scraps, leaving one side open. Fill with: 2 parts lavender 1 part calendula petals 1/2 part mugwort 1/2 part thyme If you created a pillow, carefully stitch the remaining opening closed. Enchant your pillow by saying: "Herbs of rest and herbs of dreams, Help me grasp what is unseen. Tangled in the ...