The hearth is the center of your home. It may be a fireplace, a woodstove, a central furnace, or even your kitchen range. Wherever it is, it deserves a blessing. Begin by cleaning your hearth—a gesture of care and respect. Perhaps your fireplace or woodstove needs the chimney or flue swept and cleaned, and the floor in front of it swept or polished. A furnace may need its filter changed or vents vacuumed out, while your range might need to be cleaned and polished. Some of these are ...
Utilizing the protective qualities of Scorpio and Mars, this oil protects against all who might try to harm you magically. It's especially good against works of illusion or glamouring, as well as influences from the dead. You will need: Olive oil (or your preferred carrier oil) A bowl A sewing needle (unused), or you can use a long thorn, like those from the honey locust tree (Gleditsia triacanthos) or certain cacti Basil essential oil A bottle or canning jar Pour the olive oil into ...
January is a great time to add a broom above your entryway door to boost the luck and protection for your house and everyone in it for the year. Brooms help sweep away stagnant energy and dispel energy that is not welcome in your home. Add your own magical touch by making a broom with fallen branches and twigs from a nearby forest. If you buy a broom instead, a cinnamon-scented one is a good way to enhance your good fortune. If you don't have access to a cinnamon broom, you can always add your ...
Happy new year! Here is a simple candle spell to get your year off to a bright start. You will need one white taper candle and ribbons or strings in an assortment of colors. Each piece should be long enough to wrap around the candle a few times. On the morning of January 1st, assign a goal to each ribbon or string. The goals should align with the colors based on personal preference. Some suggestions are pink for love, blue for healing, or black for protection. Choose colors that make sense to ...