To gain insight into a simple yes-no question, get a piece of paper, a pen, stick or cone incense in a holder, and a lighter. Draw a straight line down the center of the page. On the left, write "no," and on the right, "yes." Find a place indoors where no direct wind or draft will impact the incense smoke. Place the incense holder on the line in the center of the page. Light the incense, and as the smoke begins to billow, ask your questions out loud or in your mind. The direction that the smoke ...
No matter what time of year it is, when you are outside in the evening there is a truly magical time that occurs between day and night. Twilight happens when the sun has set but there is still a golden glow on the horizon. In these moments when the light is close to fading, right before the night sky turns dark and the stars start to shine, there is magic in the air! This is a perfect time to make a special wish, especially if you feel stuck in the current phase of your life, hoping for a new, ...
Have fun raising energy for this easy, no ingredients money spell. All you need is your favorite song that has the word "money" in the title, a way to play it, and a place to work your magic. Make sure the words of the song fit with having money and not losing it, as we want to be sending the right message out into the universe! Raise energy dancing to and singing your song. Give it your all and cut loose! You know what they say: dance like no one is watching. As you dance, imagine yourself ...
We are just a couple of weeks into the new year—yay, we made it! Today’s spell is about creating a sacred mask to help us embody our divinity throughout the rest of the year. This can be a mask that you like to wear for rituals, when celebrating sabbats, or just whenever you want to connect more deeply to your sacred self. Get your favorite craft supplies, such as glitter, feathers, and beads, and a simple face mask from the craft store. Set up your sacred space and set your ...